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About Jim Thornton

Jim Thornton Mortgage Broker

At the age of 18 I started in the world of finance. I started by opening my first RRSP and and I just became addicted to the subject and everything about it. I love working with various tools and using different techniques to help build wealth for myself and my clients.

At the end of 2004 I started mortgage brokering as an addition to the products and services that I offered my clients. I discovered very quickly that my history as a Financial Advisor gave me a unique perspective when it came to dealing with clients and offering recommendations. I not only look at situations as a "Mortgage Guy" or a "Banker", but I look at them as a Financial Advisor and whether those recommendations make sense financially. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should!

In short, my advice is based on "Is this something that I would do?". If the answer to that question is "NO" then I recommend to my clients not to do it. If I would answer "YES" then I will recommend to my clients the same.

You can be rest assured that when you work with me, you will get honest, ethical and top-notch advice with regards to your finances.

If you would like to talk to me directly, please call me at my office 1-866-257-0158.